Sunday, March 25, 2012

Here is my house tour, FINALLY!


  1. Thanks for sharing Mari. It is nice to be able to visualize where you are. Looks like a cool little apartment.

  2. wow, it is sure little. you have made it homey. I was all good until I saw daddy. I'm glad you took him with you. He'll keep you wise. I love you. Momma

  3. How cool is this!?! Such a great idea to blog your experience while you are there. Your kitchenette is actually a kitchenotte. lol But it is very quaint! I am so excited for you, Marianne, as you embark on this new adventure! Congratulations! Now go buy some food! :)

  4. What a sweet apartment! We are so happy for you! How awesome is it to be surrounded by so many Hyundai's? Korea rule's! Love ya lots kid

  5. Melissa and NightSnow26 March, 2012 14:15

    Cute space Marianne! I'm sure you'll make it nice and homey. :-) Now that you're settled I need your address to send you letters! Thinking of you and am looking forward to a future skype-session. Much love from Melissa and NightSnow.
