Monday, March 26, 2012

After the first day of school.



If you managed to make it through all 14 minutes, may Buddha bless you.  


  1. Mari!! Man I cant view any photos or videos youve posted yet! Do you think it could be my weak phone? Xoxo ash

  2. Made it through the 14 minutes and have been blessed by Buddah :) Glad that you have such nice people to work with. Sounds like they are taking good care of you!

  3. I love the blogs! Glad u r doing so well....take care- Wendy

  4. Marianne you are inspiring, incredible, brilliant, and beautiful. Your blogging is incredible. Don't ever forget that you have a ton of people thinking about you. - Jolie

  5. Your blanket is beautiful, it's good to spend money on something that will keep you comfortable and hopefully make you think of Rico. ;-) Glad to hear your first day went well, I'm sure the kindness is overwhelming, take it all in stride. Enjoying all your photos and hearing your voice. Miss you already!

  6. I feel like we're going through this with you! I check this thing like every four hours for fresh updates! I'm so glad your doing so well! Humans are awesome!

  7. I'm so happy for you! You deserve all the love and kindness they are extending to you!
    1) Your blanket is AWESOME and I love purple. Take that Rico lol! Luxury!
    2)After the 14 minutes I felt like I was in a conversation with you, so that made me happy!
    3)Authentic Bulgogi hahahah YES!
    4)Saline for sinuses
    5)Education SNOB Johnson lol
    6)Love that you are learning so much about Korean Culture.
    7)You are doing something GREAT and Amazing for yourself and the kids you will be teaching.

    Proud of you fam! Miss you! Sending love and prayers your way :)
