Sunday, May 13, 2012

Korean Wedding!!

So my wedding experience was pretty fun. The wedding was gorgeous and very lavish, there was silver trimmings and crystals EVERYWHERE. Chandeliers and gorgeous flowers, trimmings, the whole shabang! 

Overall, the wedding was pretty similar to traditional American weddings that I've been to. The only difference is that you could enter and leave the ceremony at anytime and go eat in the reception restaurant. Also, the wedding was held in a wedding hall building so 2 weddings were taking place back to back. The decorations then are not exactly unique to each couple, just the venue. Also, guests of the wedding give celebration money instead of gifts (and pretty hefty amounts, at that). 

We were only there for about an hour total because were not intimately close with the bride, she was just a former teacher at the academy and I didn't know her at all! But me and Mrs. Shin had a great time and ate very delicious food!! :)

All dolled up and ready to go....

The "blushing bride".....

This was the bridal room. It was sparkling and gorgeous. You entered and said your blessing to the bride and then took a picture....

So many people....

The groom and his welcoming committee

Wedding Couple...Dramatic Pose

Celebration arrangements....

The walls changed colors.......

I think this was the groom's sister, but this is a traditional gown

The groom getting advice from a friend...

 The modern wedding pose....

Bride and father waiting to walk the aisle...

 Walking down the aisle....

Super beautiful.....

Glittery diamond floor and aisle pillers....

Super yummy food at reception...

The cake....

1 comment:

  1. Quite the extravagant setup there at that wedding! Hope you enjoyed yourself. :-)
